Phone: (403) 508-2500
Our client services team has a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. These trained professionals have a thorough understanding of HIV/AIDS and related issues such
as addiction, mental health and harm reduction.
Phone: (403) 245-9050 or (403) 541-4658 (Evenings After 4 pm/Weekends)
Offers a holistic treatment approach in helping women to overcome their addictions.
24-hour Health Link: 1 (866) 408-5465
Offers education and information in a variety of formats including online, classes, books, and pamphlets. Also allows you to search for family doctors in your area. A variety of health and wellness needs.
Phone: (403) 228-8221
Prenatal information and support to pregnant women living on a low income, or teens of any income. The program provides milk and vegetable coupons, assistance with bus tickets, and referrals to prenatal food hampers, if required.
24-hour Hotline: 1 (800) 550-4900
Phone: (403) 269-5915
Toll Free: 1 (800) 550-4900
Services include anonymous pregnancy tests, education guidance, community resource information and referrals, emergency food/shelter (referral), adoption information, maternity clothes, baby clothes/layettes.
24-hour Hotline: (403) 269-3110
Women and teens are eligible if they are 19 years of age or younger; 20 years of age or older and living on a low income. The Centre offers pregnancy testing, counselling, referrals, housing, prenatal classes and support groups for parents, birth mothers, and women experiencing post-abortion grief. No fee.
Phone: (403) 283-5580
They provide information, counseling and some health services regarding sexual health/unplanned pregnancies. The services include parenting, abortion and adoption, as well as birth control, sexually transmitted disease, and sexual decision making. Free pregnancy tests are available on a drop-in basis. Post-abortion counseling and various support groups are offered. All services are free.
Phone: (403) 266-2622
Offers primary healthcare, above and beyond traditional services. Includes: chiropractic care, physiotherapy, massage therapy, a youth drop-in centre, a breastfeeding clinic, and nutrition support.